Syllabus 2023



Taught by Annie Bond

The school is a hybrid Zoom and in-person event depending on where people are living and the state of the Covid pandemic.

Each weekend will offer Guidelines/Protocols/Teachings, Tools/Techniques, and also have experiential meditations and spiritual growth exercises.


THEME: Intro; Healer Protocols

Guidelines/Protocols/Teachings: Protocol, HeartMind/Heart Coherence, The Sacred Triangle, Understanding Energy. Who is giving the healing? The Energy Body. Ask, Ask, Ask. Being grounded. Old programming. Overview of intuition. Overview of the chakras.

Tools/Techniques: Protection. Scanning the energy body, feeling and running energy. Running energy. Color Healing. Distance Healing/ Stage Healing. Clearing and grounding. Connecting with one’s Higher Self. Connecting to One’s Intuition. Are you an empath? Clairsentience.

Meditations: Pyramid of Light, the 5th dimension, for personal healing. Intuition-building meditations.


THEME: Sound

Guidelines/Protocols/Teachings: More on the energy field. Soul, Higher Self, Spirit, Witness. Pranic tube. Resonance. Entrainment.

Tools/Techniques: Sound Healing with voice, instruments/tuning forks/solfeggio. Voice; singing bowl; sounding; sounding off the body; rattles; hand/light; tuning forks; drum. Cutting cords. Extraction (illness, thought forms, entities).

Meditations: Bija Mantras and Sacred Vowel Sounds. Clairsentience.


THEME: Chakras

Guidelines/Protocols/Teachings: A deep dive into the 7 main chakras. Core Issues. Holding Trauma. Shadow personality issues in our chakras. Physical/psychological/spiritual aspects of the chakras. Attributes such as colors and sounds.

Tools/Techniques: Animal Allies, Elemental Healing. Emphasis on Releasing. Higher Self work. Clearing the chakras with color and sound.

Meditations: Experiential chakra work. Meeting Your Master Spirit Guide, Clairaudience.


THEME: Polarity

Guidelines/Protocols/Teachings: Bio-electric balancing: yin/yang; (+) (-); male/female. The female and male sides of the body. Carrying too much female or too much male energy.. Ida/Pingala and Kundalini nadis.

Tools/Techniques: High Vibration etheric beings, PTSD, working with crystals. The Trinity Activations – healing with the soul’s mother and father. Balancing yin and yang. Making a

Meditations:  Making a balanced prana vortex for healing.  Clairvoyance, Crystal Meditations


THEME: Auric Fields

Guidelines/Protocols/Teachings: The Energy Body. Working with the 7 auric fields around the body and how negative thoughts there manifest in our physicality.

Tools/Techniques: Soul Retrievals, Forgiveness Prayer. Learning to finger dowse.

Meditations: Auric field healing for all 7 fields. Pranic tube and prana vortex healing. Claircognizance.


THEME: Soul and Higher Self; Starting a Practice

Guidelines/Protocols/Teachings: Connecting to soul. Working with a client’s soul and Higher Self in Healing. Starting your own practice.

Tools/Techniques: Past Life Healing. Rips and Tears. Connecting to clients’ souls; Higher Self.

Meditations: Akashic Records. Medicine Shields; Journey to one’s soul for soul’s purpose; white feather healings. Graduation!!

By Annie Bond

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