Becoming a Vehicle of Light

Your hands can turn very hot when you “run” light in hands-on energy healing. Like a furnace. Sometimes your hands are very cold. You yourself feel like a conduit in a circuit of light, as you channel the flow of light from the stars and beyond, through you, to the person on the healing table. You become one with the flow of your energy body.

People frequently say to me that they don’t have the healing gift. My experience is that this is only because they don’t have the tools for turning on their own vehicle of light, their energy body. Opening up the channels to their energy body, their own vehicle of light, will open this “gift.”

More than once I’ve watched light flow down the light channels of a person’s arm and “turn on” their hands when I am giving them a healing. Once this happened when energy went down a client’s legs and the light shone out from their toes like Edward Scissorfeet! To bring healing to the planet on which they walk?

Alive with Consciousness

A healer can often feel the nuance of the energy as it goes into the place of need in the client. Loving, vibrant, compassionate, strong or soft. In other words, the light is alive with consciousness.

Yes, the energy body is alive with consciousness. I remember tears streaming down my face when I reconnected to this in one of my first healer trainings. I say ‘reconnect,’ as this energy is our birthright, yet most of society teaches us to wall it off. And so we forget.

Opening up to be a vehicle of light is to reawaken and clear the channels to the energy body, that part of ourselves that is infused with consciousness. I have found that one of the key ways to do this is to heal and recharge and reactivate our life channel., our pranic tube. This connects up to the Universe, including our soul and Higher Self, and down to the heart of the earth. This helps our torus flow. Our intuition is more present.

A Clear Channel for Healing

There is no way around committing to our spiritual growth for increased flow in our energy body. It is a key element in becoming a clear channel for healing. Our energy body is a record keeper, and holds all the trauma and programming of our personality that may be blocking this flow. To help our energy body flow we need to empty. We need to build self-love. We need to heal and recharge. Ultimately, this puts us on a path of self-healing. It puts us on a path to being more and more in flow with our life channel, and in heartmind, the healer’s sweet spot.

By Annie Bond.

Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY, and on Zoom. She gives distance healings and teaches to people all over the world.

Note that the image is of Our Lady of Guadalupe, always a symbol of someone who has cleared their energy body so that they are a radiant vehicle of light.

Here, below, is another image I found, and an unusual representation, but you can feel the shimmer of energy.

By Annie Bond.

Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY, and on Zoom. She gives distance healings and teaches to people all over the world.