Old Programs Running Your Life

While I am writing here about an issue with Sarah, her name could as easily be Most People. Old programs so often run our lives.
When we grow up, we are raised to fit into “norms” – of a household, of a grade in school, of a church, of a culture. Some of us have had more control inflicted on us than others, through rules, rigid beliefs, criticism, and even abuse.
I see this “programming” show up in the energy body, including in the following ways:

How Programming Shows Up

1. We build elaborate energetic armature on which to build our personalities. All this personality development is the reality for our ego, one we develop to fit in and survive. This heavy and rigid energy goes through many chakras and has a strong inflexibility. It can take time to dissolve this rigidity, but important on the path to one’s authentic nature.

2. Another way is that we internalize negative comments from our upbringing and build them into inner tyrants! The brutal and incessant voices push one to work too hard, berate oneself mercilessly for flaws, beat oneself up for not “being good enough.” I see this energy – that originally belonged to others– hardened in circles inside the head by the ears, and it usually shows up when I am working on a person’s fifth chakra, the home of the song of who they are, their truth. The hard energy blocks the flow of this song, their authentic nature.
3. Sometimes the “programming” for how to behave is so extreme that a person builds what looks like an energetic “motherboard” – a circuit board carrying the elements of a computer – and their personality runs off of that. No kidding.  A month ago I pulled one out of an older client who had been accused of being “on the spectrum” as a child, and had worked as hard as he could to fit in the way he was told. This ended up meaning he ran his life like computer software, far from his authentic self.

 Inner Narratives and Programming

Stepping back and looking at these three instances, one sees that the clients have become slaves to internalized and inaccurate inner narratives. The narratives are based on programming that their wounded egos developed usually from challenging family relationships. Not the true wisdom and guidance about themselves on a soul level.
I urge people who are slaves to negative thinking–and again, this could be Most People, at least at times – to learn Byron Katie’s Four Questions (Is it true? Can you absolutely know that it is true? How do you react, what happens when you have that thought? Who would you be without that thought?)

The Healing Alchemy

It takes time to learn how old programs are running your life, to witness the negative thoughts and change them.
In Sarah’s case, she had a very critical mother, and the internalized negative thinking ran her life mercilessly. I spent a large amount of time asking for clearing of the dense, intractable energy inside her head near her ears. I even called her mother into the healing etherically, so that Sarah could release her mother’s energy back to her. Sarah was counseled to work with Byron Katie’s questions, and to become a witness to the machinations of her own wounded ego.
Next for Sarah will be to develop self-love, that healing alchemy that is all about blossoming into her authentic nature.

Diary of a Healer offers the stories of people’s lives as seen from the perspective of a clairvoyant healer who works with the energy body and its vibrant, ever-changing patterns. Each entry will be actual accounts of healing and will provide a glossary of esoteric language. Names are changed to protect people’s privacy. By Annie Bond

Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY and on Zoom. She gives distance healings to people all over the world.

Awakening Prana Healer School

Awakening Prana Healer School is is a high vibration energy healer school, founded and taught by Annie Bond. It is transformative, offering deep healing modalites to deepen your ability to heal yourself and others. You will learn to be in the all-powerful healer space of heart coherence. The teaching is very experiential and hands-on. Space is limited – reach out to Annie to reserve your spot! annie@awakeningprana.com