
One of the reasons – if not the reason—that meditation is so rejuventating, is that it helps us sink into an existing spiritual energy system that is designed for our wellbeing. It is the heavy energy of trauma and stress that normally separates us from this vibrancy. A culture that hasn’t included working with this energy system in our upbringing separates us as well.

Healers work in this same energy system, helping to remove emotional blockages and increase the flow of healing energy, of prana, or chi. Yoga, tai chi, qi gong, and other spiritual practices do so also. All of these provide degrees of spiritual healing by working with the energy system. Just as our body has signals when it is hot or cold so it can adapt, so we have an energy system that can heal, bring calm, peace, and insight.

In many ways, spiritual healing is mechanical. Just as we have veins in our body, so we have channels where energy flows. It is often the search for self that leads us to these spiritual realms. We have an intuitive understanding that it is in this energy system that we are cradled.

By Annie Bond.

Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY, and on Zoom. She gives distance healings and teaches to people all over the world.