Annie Bond, Founder & Teacher

          Shiva shells; spirals are symbolic of the sacred Element Ether.

It was a yearning that brought me to energy healing   and to take an energy healing school.   A call to myself, to Circle, and a call of outreach to others. I had gone off-center and needed to find my way back. The concept of the wounded healer was new to me, but I was surely it. Here is an interview with me about my story.

Healing with vibration interested me. I had become a Reiki Master, although that modality didn’t fully resonate. Crystals were kept on most of my windowsills, and even in bed with me. I was drawn to “energy” enough that I decided to commit to a course to become a healer.

Early in my healing training I was guided through a prana – embodying meditation  Tears streamed down my face unbidden as I at long last re-connected to my heart. The energy of unconditional love washed over me and I re-centered.

So began a spiritual healing practice that for me has become a path to wholeness and a career as a healer and a teacher. First and foremost I learned that feeling compassion for myself was my starting point.

I studied for more than a decade while I kept my other career going as a green living author and editor. The more balanced I became the more propelled forward I was to become a clearer and clearer channel for healing others. Emptying out my trauma to become a vehicle of light.

Annie Bond healerThis picture of me was taken of me by my daughter at Angkor Wat,  Cambodia, on 11/11/11 11:11
I have a personal modality that has ‘come in’ for me over the last five years called The Divine Mother Modality. This looks to the soul (Divine Mother Infinite Soul) and Higher Self of the person to give the healing. The experience of bringing in and working with this modality has been one of the great joys of my life.
With this I stepped into healing full-time and teaching my energy healing school. My fascination with working with the energy body for healing just builds every day.
A key part of the modality is The Trinity Activations. Bringing in the healing of the divine mother, divine father, to birth in the divine child, your individuated self. It dovetails with healing modalities from all over the world. These have looked to balancing the male and female/yin and yang energies as the greatest healing modality of all. The alchemy of this combined energy has the most healing effect of any I have ever seen. The results can be dramatic in helping you and your clients embody your/their true nature.
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